601 East Main Street

Beach, North Dakota

Serving western North Dakota

and eastern Montana


Poor . . . . . . . . .  Excellent

Appointment available in reasonable amount of time

Waiting time spent in the reception area

Waiting time spent in the exam room

Keeping you informed if your appointment time was delayed

The friendliness and courtesy of the receptionist

Our Support Staff:

Your Appointment:

The caring concern of our veterinary assistants

The professionalism of our lab or x-ray technicians

Your phone calls answered promptly

Further Communication:

Getting advice or help during office hours

Explanation of your pet's procedure (if applicable)

Your pet's test results reported in a reasonable amount of time


Taking time to answer your questions

Amount of time spent with you and your pet

Explaining things in a way you could understand

Instructions regarding medication/follow-up care for your pet

The thoroughness of your pet's examination

Advice given to you on ways to keep your pet healthy


Convenience of hours of operation

Overall Comfort

Availability of products you are looking for

Overall Satisfaction:

Our practice

The quality of your pet's medical care

Would you recommend our clinic to others?

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©2017 Beach Veterinary Clinic, LLC

website by Wild Edge Innovations